We took a tour of Pamplona, on foot, and it was pretty fun. We got to see a really old cathedral, a really neat view of Pamplona, the old city walls, some perritos as we walked through the streets (the dogs here are weird, not at all like american dogs), the Plaza del Toros which is where the Running of the Bulls ends which was really awesome, and other stuff.
I thought it was really cool that everyone loves Pamplona and the Festival de San Fermin so much. It´s kinda like Stephenville and Larry Joe Taylor. lol Kinda.
Here is the really old Cathedral, I believe it was called the Santa Maria Real, it was soooo beautiful!
This is Cortney. We were taking her senior pics at our school during one of our breaks.
This is a view of the courtyard where I attend school every day. It´s not a monastery, but its like a church, and there are friars there. Its different. :)
This is the inside of the main part of our school down the road from where my classes are. Its pretty :)
Stairwell in my school.
Gates at my school. Sorry, Tarleton, these are much better. :) lolz.
the sign outside my school
A really old government building (edificio de gobierno) near the center of Pamplona.El Banco de Espana. Me gusta!
This is a sign at the Plaza de Toros talking about the Running of the Bulls.
This is the countdown clock to the Running of the Bulls during San Fermin.
This is ham hanging up in a restaurant. Disgusting.
Really pretty ornate decorations at the Cathedral.
Los chicas de Tarleton hanging out in front of the Cathedral at a really cute little cafeteria.
Crissy said she would like to see more pics of you and your friends.
It looks beautiful there, hope you are having a blast!
I am having a blast! sorry i missed skyping you yesterday! But maybe this weekend or Monday. Today we are going to the caves and tomorrow we are going to the vineyard and this weekend to the beach! :) love you!
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