I always hesistate to blog, I always think about deleting it, because I don't feel like anyone really truly cares what I have to say.
But now I'm at the point where I don't care if anyone cares, its therapeutic and fun to type out my thoughts.
Anyway- this summer has been a busy busy busy one. Starting as soon as finals were over, we had to move an entire house of stuff, halfway across texas. That was... interesting to say the least. My parents were gracious enough to give us all of our living room furniture from Midland, so we are set to go. I wonder if it was as weird for my siblings as it was for me, to move all of your belongings out of Midland.
I'm fairly certain I'll be back to that lovely black hole that seems to draw everyone back. I love it there. This East Central Texas thing is not working for me. It smells like cows.
I also got a new job that I really love. The people are awesome, the customers are awesome, its just a great place to be. I should have trusted God a little bit more, that he would find me something that really would complete my experience at Tarleton. Speaking of which, I'm a senior in college. PRAISE GOD. I didn't think that day would ever ever ever come. But slowly but surely I chipped away at my degree plan, and here I am, staring graduation in the face (in the next year and a half.)
Well I have got some house cleaning to do. I'll have to put up some pictures of our cute little house on Devine as soon as it looks presentable. :)
mmm coffee.